Department of Psychology

Everything you need to know about our Company

The Department of Psychology is one of the premier Department of P.N.G.Govt. P.G.College, Ramnagar, Nainital. It came into existence in 1980 under the able guidance of Dr. Labh Singh, an eminent scholar in the field of Psychology. Right from its inception, the department has incessantly strived to inculcate the motto of “All Round Development of the Personality” of its students. The department has introduced semester system in its post graduate courses from the academic session 2010-2011 and in its under-graduate courses from the academic session 2016-2017. The department is also contributing in the field of research. The health of department is best reflected in the diversity of the researches conducted by the Ph.D. scholars under the supervision of the learned faculty of the department.  The faculty members of the department have published research papers in various journals of National and International repute and participated in different National and International seminars/ Conferences. The rich past of the department makes it look forward to future with a great deal of optimism


Post and faculty sanctioned in department   


Name of Faculty


Email. Id/ phone


1 Dr. Anita Joshi Professor

Mob. 9412959465



Dr. Kusum Gupta

Assistant Professor

Mob 8859744377

(View Resume)

3 Dr. Devashish Assistant Professor Mob. 7579203285 (View Resume)
4. Dr. Gurpreet Singh Assistant Professor Mob. 9760080997